What’s new from the Military Law Task Force?
Military Psychiatric Policies and Discharges – An Introduction for Attorneys and Counselors
[download id="3494"] (Use the button to download a PDF version of this memo for offline reading/printing.) By Kathleen Gilberd...
Representing Servicemembers in Involuntary Discharge Proceedings
View, Print & Download This memo is designed for attorneys and counselors assisting enlisted servicemembers in challenging...
Discharge Upgrades
This publication replaces “Discharge Upgrading and Discharge Review: Introductory Materials & Forms for Attorneys and...
Article 138 Complaints: Servicemembers’ Tool for Redress
By Kathleen Gilberd Rev. Date: 2013 [download id="3505"] (Use the button to download a PDF version of this memo for offline...
MLTF’s James Branum interviewed by Amy Goodman on Democracy Now!
MLTF member (and past co-chair) James M. Branum, an attorney in Oklahoma City, was a guest on Democracy Now! to talk...
Out of Afghanistan
A personal op-ed. I am sitting in my office this Memorial Day pretending to do work, but thinking about the hollowness of the...
Updated Memo: Military Medical Policies
Read online Print (PDF) This is an January 2014 update that replaces the 2007 memo titled Medical Discharge and Retirement....
March 2014 issue of On Watch now online
The latest issue of MLTF’s quarterly newsletter, On Watch, released to members and subscribers about a month ago, is now...
Military Law and the New NDAA
Changes include sexual assault reform, repeal of sodomy ban, numerous other important updates to UCMJ, court-martial...
Military Medical Policies
Download PDF of this content for offline reading This publication updates and replaces the Medical Discharge and...
December issue of On Watch now online
The latest issue of MLTF’s quarterly newsletter, On Watch, released to members and subscribers a month ago, is now available...
MLTF provides GI Rights trainers for Coffee Strong
MLTF will be providing trainers for two GI Rights training workshops at Coffee Strong in December. Coffee Strong is a GI...
Memo Update: Representing Servicemembers in Involuntary Discharge Proceedings
This memo, updated as of Oct. 2013, gives an overview of administrative discharges and procedures for challenging them. It is written for Written for attorneys and counselors, but can also be helpful for servicemembers who are facing involuntary discharge.
MLTF submits clemency request to Manning convening authority
MLTF submitted a letter requesting clemency to the officer authorized to review (and reduce, if he wishes) Chelsea Manning's...
New MLTF memo on Article 138 complaints
Servicemembers can complain about wrongs done to them by their command under Article 138, UCMJ. Although this is a powerful tool, few people know about it. This memo gives an overview of the complaint procedure and discusses some of the differences among the service branches.
September 2013 issue of On Watch now online
The latest issue of MLTF’s quarterly newsletter, On Watch, released to members and subscribers a month ago, is now available...
Vieques: 10 years after U.S. bombing ends, struggle for justice in Puerto Rico continues
By Helen Jaccard and David Swanson Originally published in the September 2013 issue of On Watch, the MLTF quarterly...
Interview with Jeff Paterson, founder of the Private Manning Support Network
This email exchange with Jeff Paterson was conducted by MLTF's Rena Guay on Sept. 4. Paterson is the Project Director of...
Team Manning: How a grassroots crew of war resisters took on the US Army
BY RENA GUAY Thanks to help from the Task Force, I was able to attend the first days of the Manning court-martial, and also...
Fact Sheet: Servicemember Rights under the Military Whistleblowers Protection Act
View, Print, & Download The Military Whistleblower Protection Act of 1988 provides limited protection of lawful...
Marines implement new standards for conscientious objectors
By Bill Galvin In a new version of Marine Corps Order (MCO) 1306.16, issued in June of this year, the Department of the Navy,...
National Lawyers Guild Opposes Military Action Against Syria
On September 5, the national office of the National Lawyers Guild distributed the following news release, written with input...
Manning’s 35 year sentence reveals decline of US justice and journalism
The 35-year sentence given to Bradley Manning for exposing war crimes provides stark contrast to Ellsberg whistleblowing 40 years ago.
Verdict in Manning Case Slow Death for Democracy
Op-Ed for MLTF [Update]: In a public statement issued on 8/22/13, Pvt. Manning disclosed that her name is now Chelsea Manning,...
Army to Deploy Conscientious Objector
Editor's note: The lawyer representing PVC Munoz, James M. Branum, is an MLTF member. Private still scheduled for upcoming...
June 2013 issue of On Watch now online
The latest issue of MLTF's quarterly newsletter, On Watch, released to members and subscribers a month ago, is now available...
David Gespass’ presentation on Bradley Manning
MLTF co-founder David Gespass recently gave a talk at Tulane University. Here's the slide presentation on the Bradley Manning...
Bradley Manning’s Legal Duty to Expose War Crimes
News Analysis by Marjorie Cohn Originally published at Truthout The court-martial of Bradley Manning, the most significant...
MLTF works hand in hand with GIRN at 2013 GI Rights Network Conference
The 2013 GI Rights Network conference, held in Santa Cruz, CA, from March 7 through 10, once again was an opportunity to...
Minority enlistment: Barriers to separation and relief
By Emily Gallagher In this article I discuss the issues raised by the enlistment of a 17-year-old minor in the military. I...
MLTF gets grant from RESIST
We are thankful to the RESIST Foundation for a generous grant of $2,000 to aid GI resistance to military oppression and demand...
Military sexual assault — It’s the culture
An Op-Ed for MLTF The military is once again in crisis over sexual assaults. In recent weeks, it has become more apparent than...
Military (In)Justice: Real problems, phony answers (Op-Ed)
This article is an official statement of the Military Law Task Force and represents its views. The author is a founder of the...
Iraq War Resister Kimberly Rivera sentenced to 14 months in military prison after deportation by Harper government
Press release from the War Resisters Support Campaign of Canada
Marjorie Cohn, Amy Goodman, others discuss “Independent Journalism on War, Conflict and Human Rights”
This panel on "Independent Journalism on War, Conflict and Human Rights" took place at the 2013 National Conference on Media...
MLTF’s Kathleen Gilberd to receive ‘Service Provider of the Year’ award from SWAN at 2013 Truth and Justice Summit
The Service Women's Action Network has announced its Provider of the Year Award and one of the two recipients is our own...
Revised regs on sexual assault, involuntary psych evaluations
DoD has reissued DoD Instruction 6495.02, Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program Procedures, dated March 28,...
March 2013 issue of On Watch now online
The latest issue of MLTF's quarterly newsletter, On Watch, released to subscribers a month ago, is now available to the pubic....
CLE: US Army AWOL – Tips for Civilian Defense Attorneys
The Military Law Task of the National Lawyers Guild along with the Southwest and Texoma regions of the National Lawyers Guild...
CLE: US Army AWOL – Tips for civilian defense attorneys
The Military Law Task of the National Lawyers Guild along with the Southwest and Texoma regions of the National Lawyers Guild...
In memory of Michael Gaffney, MLTF co-founder
Michael Gaffney, one of the founders of the MLTF and a long-time member, passed away last month. Michael served on the Task...
The Uncommon Courage of Bradley Manning
By Marjorie Cohn Bradley Manning has pleaded guilty to 10 charges including possessing and willfully communicating to an...
Sequestration’s indiscriminate cuts are no solution to the bloated military budget
An Op-Ed for MLTF by David Gespass Editor's note: Some on the Left, most prominently former Democratic Party chair Howard...
2013 NDAA: New Policies on Military Sexual Assault
by Kathleen Gilberd On January 2, President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act of Fiscal Year 2013 (“NDAA”),...
Women in Combat: History and Future
A history of military service by women and an assessment of what lies ahead for female servicemembers BY KATHY JOHNSON Women...
Navigating the VA
A basic guide to how the VA system works and how to get earned benefits, along with practice pointers for vets and their...
Support actions for Bradley Manning requested as court-martial nears
After more than two and a half years in jail — some of that in solitary confinement under barbaric conditions — Bradley...
December 2012 issue of ‘On Watch’ now online
The latest issue of MLTF's quarterly newsletter, On Watch, released to subscribers a month ago, is now available to the pubic....
Letter writing campaign for Iraq War Resister Kimberly Rivera
This message is from the Kimberly Rivera Support Committee. Dear friends, We are writing to you on behalf of Kimberly...
CLE: Military Discharge Upgrading & Discharge Review
MLTF will offer a CLE on Military Discharge Upgrading & Discharge Review at the NLG 2012 'Law for the People' Convention...
MLTF’s Kathy Gilberd to conduct GI Rights training at Under the Hood
Kathy Gilberd, long time MLTF member, former steering committee co-chair, and current Executive Director will conduct a...
A message from our outgoing MLTF Chair
Dear MLTF members, I am writing to let you all know about a recent change in our MLTF officers. After serving for a little...
CLE: Representing Servicemembers who can no longer serve
military law task force presents REPRESENTING SERVICEMEMBERS WHO CAN NO LONGER SERVE A CLE presentation In Fayettville,...
In memory: Karen Detamore
We are sad to announce that MLTF Secretary and Steering Committee Member, Karen Detamore passed away yesterday. In honor of...
The Bradley Manning Case: Executive Power vs. Citizens’ Rights
An Op-Ed for MLTF by NLG President David Gespass The epic Bradley Manning prosecution – now involving two years of pretrial...
UN Official: Manning Subject to “Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment”
Op-Ed for MLTF by Marjorie Cohn Nobel Peace Prize nominee Bradley Manning has been formally charged with 22 counts including...
Should we be worried?: Changes made in DOD Instruction “Handling Dissident and Protest Activities Among Members of the Armed Forces”
Discussion and commentary by James M. Branum, MLTF Chair On February 22, 2012, the Department of Defense made major changes to...
Op-Ed: Who is really on trial — Bradley Manning or America itself?
By James M. Branum Chair of the Military Law Task Force of the National Lawyers Guild February 22, 2012 Growing up in...
Bradley Manning Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize by Oklahoma Peace Organization
The following press release was sent out by the Oklahoma Center for Conscience and Peace Research, an organization that...
MLTF Chair participates in Russia Today TV program debate regarding US Army whistleblower Bradley Manning
The Russia Today network hosted a debate on US Army whistleblower Bradley Manning. They invited MLTF Chair James M. Branum, of...
New access to old discharge upgrade manual
The Connecticut Veterans Legal Center at Yale has put David Addlestone's Military Discharge Upgrading, and Introduction to...
Army Times article notes troops’ presence in Occupy movement, cites MLTF
An article was published in the November 18, 2011 issue of Army Times, Navy Times, et. al. (Gannett-owned publications that...
Bay Area workshop on servicemembers’ rights to protest, Nov. 15
SAN FRANCISCO – On November 15, a workshop will be held on servicemembers’ right to protest and related issues. Sponsored by Bay Area Military Law Panel of the National Lawyers Guild, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Veterans for Peace, the GI Rights Hotline – SF, Courage to Resist, and Swords to Plowshares. Panelists will include Steve Collier, Teresa Panepinto, Rai Sue Sussman, and Jane Kaplan will serve as moderator.
Legal support for servicemembers, reservists and veterans participating in Occupy Wall Street actions
Download this brochure to read, print, distribute (PDF). The National Lawyers Guild has endorsed the Occupy Wall Street...
NLG endorses Occupy Wall Street movement, calls for members to join
“AWOL in the Army” version 3 now available
The MLTF has released version 3 of James M. Branun’s “AWOL in the Army” memo. Branum is currently co-chair of the MLTF Steering Committee. The memo includes a flow chart and addendum on AWOL/UA policies for other branches
The Military Law Task Force Celebrates September 20 and the Repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
This is tremendous victory for all who believe in Equality and Justice. We congratulate the many lesbian, gay and bisexual...
Military Tribunals, Commissions and Executions
Military commissions, newly re-established by the Military Commissions Act of 2006, are a type of extraordinary wartime...
Lt. Ehren Watada court-martial
LINKS Watada Stay Order (issued 10/5/07) http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/dayart/pdf/Watada_Stay_Order.pdf More legal...
Memo: Hardship and Dependency Discharges
This memo provides an overview of the criteria and procedures for hardship and dependency discharge, with some discussion of the differences among the services. Although it was written for counselors and attorneys, it may be of assistance to servicemembers and their families submitting discharge applications.
Structure of the Reserve Forces
By Teresa Panepinto Each branch of the military has at least one reserve force; they are the Army National Guard, the Army...
How to get a copy of your military discharge papers (DD Form 214 or SF-180)
The National Archives and Records Administration Military Personnel Records Center is the official repository for records of...
Joint Statement of Opposition to the Presence of Military Recruiters at OCU Law
The following is a statement issued by NLG Law Student Chapter at the Oklahoma City University of Law in Oklahoma, City, OK in...
Military Recruiting FAQ
Military Recruiting FAQ–A Consumer's - Please Print, Post & Share Military Recruiting FAQ–A Consumer’s Please Print, Post...
San Francisco draft resolution on recruitment
Draft Resolution for San Francisco Board of Education Cut Ties with the Military WHEREAS, the United States military is...
Arcata California voter initiative on recruitment
Arcata Youth Protection Ordinance - Voter Initiative on November 2008 Ballot PRESS RELEASE: “Arcata Youth Protection...
Sacramento Board of Supervisors resolution on Iraq troops
Recruitment Resources
RECRUITMENT / ENLISTMENT / REGISTRATION / DRAFT / YOUTH AND MILITARISM * Articles * Guides * Documents * Organizations *...
General Military Info and Resources
A collection of links to outside sites, government and non-government, providing a wide array of military related information, from a glossaries of acronyms and terms, a chart of rank and insignia, personnel statistics and much more.
Military Recruiting FAQ
7/2007 orig bad links [PDF version of this info for easy printing and sharing] If you or someone you know is thinking about...
I ain’t singing, Charlie
What to do when the FBI contacts you.
You might find it difficult to leave the Army
By Marti and Luke Hiken NLG Military Law Task Force Steering Committee Members For an active duty GI or reservist to get out...
Memo: Command Influence
A PDF version of this publication, for download and printing, can be found here. Command Influence By Bob Harmon DATE: August...
‘Survival Guide’ helps servicemembers and vets gain benefits and services
The National Veterans Legal Services Program has published a 605-page guide (PDF) that is an in depth survey of the problems...
Free Speech in the Military
WHAT FREE SPEECH RIGHTS DO MEMBERS OF THE MILITARY HAVE? Members of the military have rights under the U.S. Constitution, laws...
Hell No, We Won’t Stay: Military Reservist Resistance Grows
By Marti Hiken & Kathleen Gilberd "My husband wants out," says Martha. “That’s all there is to it. If they won’t let him out,...
The Individual Ready Reserves: A Primer
By Teresa Panepinto Part I The Individual Ready Reserves (IRR) play an increasingly important role in the military’s total...
Independent Medical Evaluations and Treatment
Medical Referral Network Military personnel often need independent medical evaluations and treatment, and this need has...
What rights does an active duty GI really have?
You are an active duty GI and you want to know if you can participate in anti-war demonstrations. You figure that you have...
IRR Activations
By Marti Hiken Co-chair NLG Military Law Task Force Are you in the IRR and received your marching orders for Iraq? IRR members...
Conscientious Objection Digest
Conscientious Objection Outline General definition of CO exemption/discharge 10 A.L.R. Fed. 15 (1972-2004) on Discharge from...