What’s new from the Military Law Task Force?
Statement On Military Racism
Below is our new statement on racism in the military: The Military Law Task Force of the National Lawyers Guild was formed in...
NEW! Military Equal Opportunity (MEO) Self-Help Guide
This memo can also be viewed as a downloadable PDF file: MEO Leaflet 01152025 (PDF download) MILITARY EQUAL OPPORTUNITY SELP...
A Note to Supporters of Courage to Resist: The MLTF will continue to support the troops who refuse to fight
We at the MLTF have worked with Jeff Paterson and Courage to Resist (CTR) for many years--making sure that dissenting...
VIDEO: Joint Press Conference to launch Appeal for Redress V2 for Gaza
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D62O9_3CxSc This video is of today's joint press conference by Veterans for Peace, The Center...
U.S. Congress: You Told D.O.D. to Look Into Suicides. Time to Implement
More than a year ago, the Department of Defense's Suicide Prevention and Response Independent Review Committee issued a...
The Brandon Act Increases Access to Mental Health Evaluations
This article was first published in the Summer 2023 issue of On Watch. By Kathleen Gilberd In June of 2018, 21-year old...
On Watch, Summer 2023
This issue can be read in its entirety in PDF form via this link, but individual articles from the issue can be found below....
MLTF Exec. Director Kathleen Gilberd participates in Panel discussion “GI’s for Peace and the Antiwar Movement”
https://youtu.be/OsIGNbs0uZQ?si=IYPmHr9dGIqkFFfJ For more information on this event, including some supplemental resources,...
MLTF CLE: Military Resistance and the Law
Live via zoom on Monday, November 13, 2023 at 11:15 am-12:45 pm Pacific Time/2:15-3:45 pm Eastern time. On-demand (recorded)...
Online CLE: Representing Veterans with “Bad Paper” Discharges in Discharge Review Cases
Now available in recorded/on-demand Format: Live via zoom at Tuesday, August 29, 2023 at 10 am Pacific/1 pm Eastern. On-demand...
MILITARY LAW TASK FORCE STATEMENT: The Philadelphia 15 Gain Justice, But Still More to Do About Military Racism
For press inquiries contact: help@nlgmltf.org or 619-463-2369 The Military Law Task Force congratulates the families of the...
MLTF Training Series CLE #2 – Ethics
Our second session in our year-long series of continuing legal education seminars introducing military law to civilian...
MLTF 2022 Training Series: Advocacy & Activism through Military Law
The MLTF is launching a year-long series of monthly trainings that will serve as an introduction to military law for lawyers...
MLTF Events During 2021 NLG Virtual Convention
Military Patients’ Rights
Updated September 2021 By Kathleen Gilberd Counselors and attorneys hear many accounts about denial of military medical care...
Fort Hood: A Toxic Culture
By Jeff Lake Following the April 2020 murder of Vanessa Guillen at Fort Hood at the hands of another soldier, the military was...
New Policy Allows Military Medical Malpractice Claims
by Aaron Frishberg When Congress passed, and the president signed, the National Defense Authorization Act of 2020, a bill was...
Supreme Court refuses to weigh constitutionality of male-only draft
“Worst news in years for opponents of the draft and draft registration” Editor's Note: Due to the timely and critical nature...
Department of Defense Survey Shows Racial Bias Permeates U.S. Military
By Aaron Frishberg In 2017, the Department of Defense (DoD) conducted a “Workplace and Equal Opportunity Survey of Active Duty...
MLTF anti-racism committee
Challenging Military Racism and White Supremacy In recent months, public attention has been drawn to racism in the...
Statement on Government Suspension of Diversity Training
The Military Law Task Force of the National Lawyers Guild strongly condemns the actions of the President and the Office of...
Review and update of the military transgender ban, Fall 2020
By Jeff Lake There are continuing developments in the struggle to overturn the transgender ban regarding military enlistment...
Trump’s Illegal Use of Military Against Anti-Racist Uprisings Portends Battles Ahead
Sidebar: See MLTF Statement on Use of National Guard for Anti-Racism Protests. BY MARJORIE COHN | ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED AT...
National Commission Recommendation Features Creeping Militarism
BY LIBBY FRANK The National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service was created by the National Defense...
CLE Training: Help National Guard members avoid deployment against anti-racist protesters in US cities
NOTE: This CLE (continuing legal education) seminar is free to watch at the link below. If you wish to receive a certificate...
Vet Groups Call on National Guard Troops to Refuse Deployments Against #BLM
Two anti-war veterans groups, Veterans for Peace and About Face: Veterans Against the War (formerly Iraq Vets Against the War)...
Congressional Debate on Selective Service, Coming Soon?
BY EDWARD HASBROUCK As sabre-rattling and escalation of US military conflict prompted fears that all-out war with Iran might...
The Afghanistan Papers
BY DAVID GESPASS Veteran civil rights activists often say, everything has changed and nothing has changed. That is the feeling...
Resources to address concerns about Selective Service registration and the draft
The current situation in Iraq/Iran is leading many people to wonder about the possible return of the draft. The National...
Presidential Pardons Destroy Accountability for Criminal Behavior on the Battlefield
By David Gespass Donald Trump has put the issue of criminal behavior on the battlefield squarely before the world with his...
Military Patients’ Privacy Rights
BY KATHLEEN GILBERD Privacy and confidentiality of military medical records and information have long been of concern to...
Opinion: President Trump and Military Accountablity
BY DAVID GESPASS Donald Trump has put the issue of battlefield criminal behavior squarely before the world with his pardons of...
Waging Peace in Vietnam: U.S. Soldiers and Veterans Who Opposed the War
Book Review By Matthew Rinaldi Waging Peace in Vietnam: U.S. Soldiers and Veterans Who Opposed the War Ron Carver, David...
CLE: How Can You Help Military Dissenters Resist the Trump Agenda?
MILITARY LAW CLE: March 20th, 5pm Presented by NLG-Bay Area Military Law Panel How Can You Help Military Dissenters Resist the...
US Military Know Your Rights guide released by MLTF, About Face and CCW
Military members do have the right to engage in forms of political speech and dissent. You have options and you’re not alone....
On-Demand Viewing: MLTF CLE at 2024 NLG National Convention
Our six sessions of continuing legal education programming at the 2024 NLG National Convention are now available for viewing...
Press Release: Appeal for Redress V2 Campaign Launched
For immediate release 6/3/24 Contacts: Veterans For Peace: Mike Ferner 314-940-2316 Military Law Task Force: Kathleen...
Assisting Servicemembers with Military Equal Opportunity Complaints
by Kathleen Gilberd, July 2023 Part 1 - Considering and documenting complaints This is the first part of a discussion of...
Army Issues New Reg on Conscientious Objection
This article was first published in the Summer 2023 issue of On Watch. During World War I, the military was still figuring out...
The Struggle Against Racism Within the U.S. Military – A Lived Experience
This article was first published in the Summer 2023 issue of On Watch. By Jonathan W. Hutto, Sr. In the aftermath of the...
Resources and Analysis regarding the Israel-Hamas War
The following list of resources was compiled from several sources, most notably the resources list provided by the SF Bay Area...
The Right of Dissent and Protests in the military
By David Gespass During the Vietnam War, opposition to it was rife within military ranks. Protesters against the war were...
Support the MLTF’s 2023-2024 Fundraising Campaign
Zoom CLE: Moral Injury and the Military Law Practitioner
Moral Injury and the Military Law Practitioner A continuing legal education (CLE) seminar Live via zoom at Tuesday, June 20,...
Statement: Overturn of Roe v. Wade’s Effects on Women in the Military and Military Families
NLG MILITARY LAW TASK FORCE STATEMENT ith its disastrous decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the...
MLTF Responds to New DoD Instruction on Extremism
The MLTF has released the following statement about the DoD's Dec. 20 release of an updated instruction on extremism in the...
Responses to Reprisals for Sexual Assault Reports
December 2019 By Sabrina Merold Sexual assault has continued to be a serious problem in the armed forces and rates of Service...
Afghanistan – Lessons Ignored or Forgotten
By David Gespass What we are now witnessing in Afghanistan is not just Biden’s fault. It certainly appears that the departure...
Minor Changes on Milpersman Reveal Navy Bias Against Conscientious Objectors
By Bill Galvin In December the Navy issued new conscientious objector regulations, Milpersman 1900-020. It is essentially the...
New NDAA provision to allow medical malpractice claims (but not litigation)
In keeping with last year's National Defense Authorization Act, DoD has just published an interim final rule on administrative...
Transgender Ban Update
By Jeff Lake On January 25, 2021, after years of confusion and litigation, the ban on military service by transgender...
2021 National Defense Authorization Act – Personnel Provisions
By Kathleen Gilberd The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2021, passed on January 1 over President Trump’s veto,...
MLTF Provides Legal Resources on 2020 Election Response for Military
Responding to broad concerns about the possibility for unlawful orders regarding the 2020 election, MLTF is providing new and...
Justice delayed, but not denied: discharge upgrade for Vietnam vet
Part 1: JG’s Story, September 20, 1950 – May 20, 2020 By Deborah H. Karpatkin Here is the story of JG, a Vietnam combat...
Justice For Vanessa Guillen action campaign
The organizers of #JusticeForVanessaGuillen (#JusticiaforVanessa) has just sent out an education and action packet about a...
US Military Response to COVID-19
BY DAWN BLANKEN AND JEFF LAKE On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization declared that the spread of the COVID-19...
Immigration Update: Selected Provisions of National Defense Authorization 2020
BY ANA MARIA BONDOC Signed into law on December 17, 2019, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2020...
Activist Training: What to say to National Guard Members facing orders to deploy against Anti-Racist protesters
What Do You Say to National Guard MembersWho Don’t Want to Deploy Against Anti-Racist Protesters?Where Do You Send Them for...
MLTF Statement on COVID-19
The Military Law Task Force of the National Lawyers's Guild has issued the following statement regarding the U.S. government's...
Personnel Provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act
BY KATHLEEN GILBERD The 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)[1], which was signed into law on December 20, 2019,...
Unlawful Orders memo series expands to include Middle East Wars
In November of 2018, MLTF published Deployed to the Border, a memo providing guidance to servicemembers being ordered to...
NLG releases statement on illegal U.S. actions in Middle East that violate international law
NLG's International Committee, with some imput from MLTF, crafted this statement on recent US actions in Iran, issued today by...
Winter 2019 Issue of On Watch
Vol. 30 No. 4
New Army Co Regulations
Military Patients’ Privacy Rights
When Reservists Live Distant From Their Unit (Update)
Policy Guidance For Discharge Review Boards And Boards For Correction
Opinion: President Trump And Military Accountability
Free Resources On Military Law
Waging Peace In Vietnam: U.S. Soldiers And Veterans Who Opposed The War [Book Review]
2019 NLG Convention Report
When Reservists Live Distant from their Unit
Regulations defining reasonable commuting distance for reservists have changed. BY BILL GALVIN The Spring 2019 issue of On...
Free Resources on Military Law
Thanks to Global Military Justice Reform for information about the following books: The Military Commander and the Law (2019)...
2019 UCMJ Changes– a Summary
BY JAMES M. BRANUM In this article, I will be providing a short summary of what I think are the most important changes of the...
NLG Military Law Task Force welcomes court ruling protecting transgender military servicemembers
The Military Law Task Force of the National Lawyers Guild welcomes the opinion of U.S. District Court Judge Ana Reyes issued...
Campaign launched to seeking pardon from Biden for Afghan & Iraq war resisters
To learn more about the campaign and to learn how to support this call for a full pardon for all US Servicemembers who are...
MLTF CLE Programming at the 2024 NLG Convention + Online Viewing Options
This CLE happened in-person at the NLG National Convention on October 30, 2024 from 9 am-4 pm Central Time (with a lunch break...
MLTF opposes California SB 1081 to tie draft registration to drivers’ licenses
The Military Law Force Task Force of the National Lawyers Guild has issued the following statement to the California Senate...
Assisting Servicemembers With Military Equal Opportunity Complaints: Part 3, Retaliation
This article was first published in the Summer 2023 issue of On Watch. by Kathleen Gilberd Retaliation can be an extremely...
Military DEI: More perception than reality
This article was first published in the Summer 2023 issue of On Watch. By Chris Lombardi If only the military were nearly as...
Giving Tuesday! – Support the MLTF
The MLTF (The Military Law Task Force of the National Lawyers Guild) has been very busy this fall, including:1. Providing CLE...
Recording – MLTF Annual Membership Meeting – November 13, 2023
The recording for this meeting can now viewed here: https://youtu.be/bUN_2pc6R28 In conjunction with the NLG National...
Online CLE: Military Racism: Reality and Remedies
Live via zoom at Wednesday, September 27, 2023 at 10 am Pacific/1 pm Eastern. On-demand (recorded) format available here. To...
MLTF stands in defense of Military Religious Freedom Foundation against attack by House GOP
For press inquiries contact: help@nlgmltf.org or 619-463-2369 The Military Law Task Force of the National Lawyers Guild is...
Appeal for Your Support
o ensure that the MLTF can fulfill its mission of keeping a critical legal eye on the US military...
Announcing first session of MLTF’s 2022 Training Series “Advocacy & Activism through Military Law”
The MLTF is launching a year-long series of monthly trainings that will serve as an introduction to military law. All...
On Watch Fall 2021 Now Available to Public
Free public access is about 30 days after publication. Get each issue when it's published by joining MLTF or subscribing to On...
White Supremacy and Racism in the Military
By Kathleen Gilberd Memo compiled from On Watch articles and updated, September 2021 White supremacy and extremism in the...
Lawsuit Prompts Modification of DoD Dissent Instruction Relating to National Guard
The following press release refers to a case in which MLTF member James M. Branum was one of the two attorneys representing...
‘In-Service Transition for Transgender Servicemembers’ Policy Updated
By Jeff Lake As discussed in the last issue of On Watch, the President has issued an Executive Order which allows transgender...
Free speech in the military – the case of Cpt Alan Kennedy
by James M. Branum See update. In the messaging put out by US military recruiters, one common theme is that the military...
Discharge upgrade for Vietnam vet part 2: the legal roadmap
The Story of JG: September 20, 1950 – May 20, 2020 By Deborah Karpatkin Here continues the story of JG, a Vietnam combat...
In Memoriam: Reber Boult
By David Gespass Kelly-Ingram Park in Birmingham, across the street from the 16th Street Baptist Church and the Birmingham...
CLE Training: The Limits of the Illegal Orders Defense
MP3 Audio of Presentation Possible Alternative Protections Under Military Law during the 2020 Presidential Election and its...
I Ain’t Marching Anymore: Dissenters, Deserters and Objectors to America’s Wars
Two-and-a-half centuries of dissension in the ranks New book chronicles the long tradition of dissent in U.S. armed forces I...
MLTF Mourns the Loss of SPC Vanessa Guillen
The members of the Military Law Task Force of the National Lawyers Guild wish to express our deepest condolences to the family...
Future of the Draft Goes to Congress after National Commission Recommends Expansion to Women
BY EDWARD HASBROUCK The National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service (NCMNPS)1 has released its final...
Transgender Ban Update, Summer 2020
BY JEFF LAKE There has been a significant development concerning the ban on military service by transgender individuals...
Statement on Use of National Guard Against Anti-Racist Protests
The Military Law Task Force of the National Lawyers Guild strongly condemns the use of National Guard and active duty troops...
Challenging Reprisals for Sexual Assault Reports
by Sabrina Merold Introduction Sexual assault has continued to be a serious problem in the armed forces, and rates of Service...
Transgender Ban Update, Spring 2020
BY JEFF LAKE There have been a few new developments regarding the administration’s ban on military service by transgender...
Facing War in the Middle East: A Test of Conscience for GI’s
Critical legal information for US servicemembers concerned about the legality and morality of deployment to and orders about...
MLTF’s ‘Discharge Upgrades’ memo gets substantive update
The MLTF has updated its Discharge Upgrades memo to include important changes in Discharge Review Board and Board for...
New Army CO Regulations
BY BILL GALVIN For the first time in 13 years, the Army issued new conscientious objector (CO) regulations (AR 60043) on May...
Policy Guidance for Discharge Review Boards and Boards for Correction
BY KATHLEEN GILBERD Recent memoranda from the Department of Defense have provided helpful guidance to the services’ review...
NLG 2019 Convention Report
BY JEFF LAKE The 82nd National Lawyers Guild Convention met in Durham, North Carolina on October 16-20, 2019. The Military Law...
Military Patients Rights
BY KATHLEEN GILBERD Counselors and attorneys hear many accounts about denial of military medical care and inadequate...