GI Rights & Counseling

Self help for servicemembers, training for lawyers and lay counselors

Revised regs on sexual assault, involuntary psych evaluations

Navigating the VA

A basic guide to how the VA system works and how to get earned benefits, along with practice pointers for vets and their...

Revised regs on sexual assault, involuntary psych evaluations

Bay Area workshop on servicemembers’ rights to protest, Nov. 15

SAN FRANCISCO – On November 15, a workshop will be held on servicemembers’ right to protest and related issues. Sponsored by Bay Area Military Law Panel of the National Lawyers Guild, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Veterans for Peace, the GI Rights Hotline – SF, Courage to Resist, and Swords to Plowshares. Panelists will include Steve Collier, Teresa Panepinto, Rai Sue Sussman, and Jane Kaplan will serve as moderator.

Revised regs on sexual assault, involuntary psych evaluations

“AWOL in the Army” version 3 now available

The MLTF has released version 3 of James M. Branun’s “AWOL in the Army” memo. Branum is currently co-chair of the MLTF Steering Committee. The memo includes a flow chart and addendum on AWOL/UA policies for other branches

Revised regs on sexual assault, involuntary psych evaluations

Memo: Hardship and Dependency Discharges

This memo provides an overview of the criteria and procedures for hardship and dependency discharge, with some discussion of the differences among the services. Although it was written for counselors and attorneys, it may be of assistance to servicemembers and their families submitting discharge applications.

Areas of Work

Challenging Military Sexual Violence

Important Notice

Content is subject to revision based on changes in military policy and federal law. We strive to provide up-to-date information, but please ensure you have the most recent memo or advisory before taking action. If you have questions, please contact us.

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