Programs and Services

The Task Force engages in ongoing legal research, education and support work, and offers a number of resources designed to aid understanding of military law, the role of the military in a free democracy, and the rights of military personnel and veterans.

Education resources

The MLTF maintains a library of memoranda and other materials on draft counseling, military law and GI/veterans’ rights. In addition, the MLTF publishes a quarterly law journal, ON WATCH, with legal and political analysis of military, draft, veterans and anti-militarism issues. Our members are active in training attorneys and advocates in these and other areas through workshops, seminars, and CLEs.

Legal research and reports

Through our membership network, the MLTF provides legal back-up to counselors and attorneys with specific questions about selective service and military law. We welcome questions and requests for assistance. Periodic mailing to MLTF members and meetings at regional and national Guild conferences provide an opportunity for our members to discuss the political and legal issues involved in their work.

Speakers bureau

The MLTF includes Guild members throughout the country who can speak on legal and political aspects of registration and the draft, military law, veterans’ rights, and anti-militarism. We can assist in developing educational seminars and provide speakers for programs of other organizations.

Anti-militarism organizing

Like the Guild, MLTF opposes aggressive and interventionist military policies, and works to provide support for those in and out of the military who challenge such policies. We work with servicemember and veteran organizations as a supporter, ally and partner. Through the MLTF, the Guild supports efforts to counter the military’s influence in our communities.

Military law

The MLTF is involved in efforts to protect the legal rights of military personnel, and to combat discrimination based on race, sex or sexual orientation. Our work in this area includes direct assistance to servicemembers, assistance to attorneys and counselors handling military law matters, and litigation challenging oppressive military policies.

Special projects on military rights

The MLTF is deeply concerned about the military’s discriminatory treatment of people with AIDS and those who are simply positive for the HIV antibody. We provide legal assistance to service members and veterans affected by the policy, and have developed educational materials and an informal legal network to assist counselors and attorneys.

The MLTF also has a strong continuing commitment to the struggle against racism, sexual discrimination and harassment, and homophobia in the military.

Veterans rights

We offer counseling/self-help materials on discharge upgrading and on veterans’ rights in Veterans Administration proceedings, including the Court of Veterans Appeals.


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