To ensure that the MLTF can fulfill its mission of keeping a critical legal eye on the US military (from our anti-imperialist perspective) and providing advocacy for service members and veterans, we need your support.

By making an end-of-the-year donation to the MLTF (through the NLG Foundation), you will not only be getting a 2022 tax deduction (subject to the rules of the IRS code), but also will be helping us to be able to springboard our upcoming crowd-sourced funding drive that will be launched on January 1!

Keeping a critical legal eye on the US military
So if you would like to make an end-of-the-year donation to the MLTF, here’s how to do it:

1. By check – Mail your check to Military Law Task Force, 730 N. First St, San Jose, CA 95112. If you need a tax deduction for your gift, please make it payable to “NLG Foundation” and put MLTF on the subject line. If you do not need a tax deduction, please make your check payable to “Military Law Task Force.” To get a 2022 tax deduction, it needs to be mailed with a postmark of no later than December 31, 2022.

2. Online – For tax-deductible donations, you can donate at Donations made this way must be made by midnight (eastern time), December 31, 2022.

3. Online without tax deduction. Please donate below. (lower processing fees for us, but NOT tax-deductible).

3. If you would like to be listed as a donor on our upcoming spring funding drive (which means you’ll get mentioned on On Watch and on our website), please email James Branum at girightslawyer(at)

4. If you can’t give right now, but know someone who can, please share this message with them!


Complete your gift to make an impact