Chelsea Manning Info and Resources

Private Manning Support Network

News, advocacy, activism, resources, funding for defense team.

MLTF Executive Director Kathleen Gilberd is a member of the BMSN advisory board.

Daily trial summaries

(by Nathan Fuller for Bradley Manning Support Network)

Sentencing phase
Closing Arguments:
Rebuttal, motion hearings:
Day 18 – July 15, 2013
Day 17 – July 10, 2013 (Defense rests)
Opening statements, first witness:
Day 1 – June 3, 2013

PFC Bradley ManningThese links to resources about the Manning case are provided for information purposes only and do not indicate agreement with opinions that may be expressed on any linked sites. This is by no means a comprehensive collection, but contains what we consider to be the most critical material for understanding and following the case.

[Update 8/22/13]: In a public statement issued on 8/22/13, Pvt. Manning disclosed that her name is now Chelsea Manning, and that she is a female. Going forward, we will honor her request to use her new name and appropriate pronouns, in support of her transition.

Manning tagged content on this site

Manning’s Own Words

Statement of Conscience
read to Judge Denise Lind at Ft. Meade, MD, 2/28/2013

Audio | Transcript
(Audio recording released by Freedom of the Press Foundation)

Manning-Lamo chat logs


Confinement and Treatment

Transcripts of pre-trial hearings and court-martial

Notable reporting of case

Social media



Defense Counsel David Coombs

Background on Manning

Books on Manning case

links are for the MLTF bookstore at Powell’s unless otherwise indicated

 Major articles/features

  • Reitman, Janet.  The Trials of Bradley Manning. Rolling Stone, March 14, 2013


Panels and workshops



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