
MLTF has several active committees that are open to members and friends. The best way to get involved with the MLTF’s work is through committee projects. Contact us for more information. In interested, fill out this form and we will get back to you.

  • Anti-Racism Committee – Working against racism and white supremacy in the military is one of MLTF’s priority areas. 
  • CLE/Education Committee – Planning and organizing CLEs and other educational programming
  • Publications Committee  – producing On Watch, MLTF’s quarterly journal, which includes generating article ideas, recruiting authors, and editing/proofreading content; creating and updating, organizing and distributing our Military Law Library of memos, factsheets and brochures
  • Selective Service Committee – educating the public and convincing political leaders to end the failed draft registration program.
  • Women’s Project – developing training materials on military sexual violence, recruiting attorneys and counselors to serve as advocates for survivors, and doing general educational work on this issue, including updating and distributing our Challenging Military Sexual Violence literature.

If you want to get engaged with any of this work, please fill out this form.

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