Kathy Gilberd, long time MLTF member, former steering committee co-chair, and current Executive Director will conduct a workshop for GI Rights counselors at Under the Hood Cafe, the GI coffeehouse outside Ft. Hood in Kileen, Texas on Saturday, August 18. The training session will run from 1 – 6 PM.
This training is provided at no cost but registration is required.
For more info, see the event page on Facebook or contact UtH director, Lori Hurlebaus, lori.hurlebaus@gmail.com
Kathy and other MLTF members are available to conduct GI Rights workshops for local groups. Costs are negotiable, but, at a minimum, transportation to the site of the training must be provided or compensated. In the past such workshops have been held in Seattle; Manhattan, Kansas; Oklahoma City, San Francisco, among other locations.